
Mary Randazzo's Mission Statement

    I spent years secretly wishing I was an artist…one who could convey the spirit of a place and be a painter unafraid to use the beauty of color and light to make the viewer be able to feel that spirit. About 20 years ago it finally hit me that I was free to get some paint and canvas and paint anything I wanted to.

    So I did get some paint, canvas, and books and began to really study. The first year or two I painted over and over on the same canvas never feeling anything was good enough to be “done.” Then I became enchanted with an historic old post office on an island in the 1000 Islands in upstate New York. When my husband saw this painting he wanted to know where I got it and was more surprised than myself that I painted it.

    You see, I grew up in an era where it wasn’t believed that you couldn’t risk becoming an artist. My parents had been deeply affected by the Great Depression and believed I should get a real job that would provide some security. So I never thought I could afford the luxury of learning to paint.

    I know now that I could have become an artist and made some kind of a living. I still struggle with my time to paint and have to continually fight the feeling that painting is a luxury. Fortunately, my love of painting has won out and I’m hanging in there still working at it.

    Thank you for letting me share my experience with you so that you will be encouraged to NOT wait or put off doing what you love. Pursue what is in your heart and you will fulfill who you are and bring joy to others along the way.